Monday, October 19, 2015

#linklove: Good Reads from Around the Internet, Vol. 9

It's happening again. The browser on my phone is filled with a gazillion different pages, all open and waiting to be read, pinned or otherwise acted upon. Yes...this. Despite me using Pocket and Pinterest to organize noteworthy website links. So in an effort to clean up my browser (again), I decided it was time for another Link Love.

1) It's no secret that I love running the half marathon. I've got six under my belt, some better than others. So I totally GET these 13.1 feelings you'll have during a half marathon. Note: I can't stop laughing.

2) I drool over Khloe Kardashian's fitness closet. But really, I would do anything to have an Athleta store in my closet. Seriously, that place...can I just have everything? Literally, send me everything.

3) Being hangry is not just a physical problem. I would know.

4) Pain in the IT band is a huge pain in the, well...butt (sort of). Pocket these IT band stretches for runners.

5) I love hearing from people that read my posts. But I know not everyone does. So in an effort to continually improve the quality of my content, I'm focusing on these 27 reasons people don't read blog posts. Blogger friends, it's a great read.

6) I used to keep a notebook of book titles, and I know I've shared links to lists of must-reads. I found another one: 21 Books From The Last 5 Years That Every Woman Should Read.

7) Bloggers, here's another one: Are you using Hootsuite to schedule Instagram posts? I haven't started doing this yet, but it's intriguing to me. And these tips help. (Such a straightforward post.)

8) "What has happened to face-to-face conversation in a world where so many people say they would rather text than talk?" This is a great take on the fact that our phones prevent natural, face-to-face conversation. You're guilty of it, too. Right? Stop Googling, let's talk.

9) Apparently, we shouldn't be throwing away our banana peels. People are eating them. For real. Because there seem to be a wide variety of benefits to eating banana peels.

10) Homemade pumpkin pie spice. #thatisall

Question: Are you guilty of focusing on your phone too much? Do you have any household phone rules?

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