Thursday, June 5, 2014

Are your memories too public? (#pinspirationthursday)

For the longest time, I fought the whole Facebook thing. I fought all social media, actually. I'm so...old fashioned and protective when it comes to my life. Especially now that I'm a mother. There's something about splashing my child across the Internet that, even though these social sites can be private, doesn't sit well with me. If you do it, I don't judge you. At all, actually. To each his/her own. Seriously. I love seeing pics of your kids, your adventures and your selves. But that's really not the point of this post. I should be speaking more generally, and specifically about the fact that we humans love our dang phones now that they're essentially computers.

We have easy access to the world that's not right in front of us. To our friends and family that can't stand next to us. Often at the expense of those that ARE right next to us.

I'm guilty of it.
You're probably guilty of it.

People everywhere are guilty of it. Go to a public place and you'll see proof. Sign into your social accounts and you'll see proof. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. It's fun to share, we all have levels of sharing in which we participate. (Hello, I have a blog with public social media accounts.) But here's what I propose:

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Because doesn't that sound positively refreshing? It is, after all, just a phone and a social website. But memories, they're equal parts heart and soul. And it's not Facebook or Instagram (or whatever) that keeps them front and center. It's you. It's your friends and family. It's face-to-face interaction.

It's life.

Question: What's your take on social media and over-sharing? Do you follow people that drive you nuts with this? Are you protective of your family and friends? 

1 comment:

Nicole Renee said...

I love days where I put my phone away and just enjoy the outdoors with friends and family. It is liberating!

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