Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hello, April!

When you come back from vacation, it's like...wait, did I just take a vacation? It all happens so quickly and you fall right back into familiar schedules and habits. Amiright? I love and loathe it. Last week, we hit up Florida for a few days and I did some of this:

It was great. Nice to thaw out a little after a long, dry and cold winter. We had some good days and bad days down there in the sunny (and sometimes not-so-sunny) state, on which I'll report as the week goes by. For now, we'll just focus on April. Because, you know, it's April.

April showers bring May flowers, right? That's what they say? Well, regardless, that's what I'm hoping for. A quick check of the weather before we headed home indicated there might be a blast of flurries in our future (#puremichigan), but I'm hoping that never actually happens. I need green. I need flowers. I need warm and sunny and beautiful.

Ten weeks, friends. Just ten weeks until this baby is done baking in mah belly. It's all happening so quickly. I'm ready, but I'm not. It feels like there's so much to do, so hopefully this month and next will be productive. Some (but not all) of my goals:

1) Get the girl into her big-girl bed.
2) Continue cardio and strength workouts, despite (and to fight) the fatigue.
3) Plan out freezer meals, to be prepped the first weekend of May.
4) Add prenatal yoga to my weekly routine.
5) Create an account on LinkedIn.

Question: What's on your agenda this month? Do you know of any awesome online prenatal yoga resources? Link me!

1 comment:

Mandy Nester said...

Good for you! We went to Destin, FL a few years back and I loved it. I want to get back one of these years. Thankfully the weather here in VA is now sunny and warm! I'm talking 75 today and yesterday. Loverly.

I got this DVD set the first time I was preggo, - http://www.amazon.com/Perfectly-Prepared-Birth-Class-Box/dp/B004E5I2N4. A Bradley Method teacher recommended it since I couldn't make it to actual classes. I liked the yoga DVD and the relaxation DVD. Not too crazy about the lady bouncing on the stability ball, but you might like it.

Good luck with everything. I'm trying to get our 2 year old transitioned to a bed before baby #2 arrives in July...that and potty trained. Wish me luck!

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