Friday, January 3, 2014

My daughter. She turns two today.

On January 3, 2012, my daughter was placed in my arms for the first time and today she jumps into them. Literally jumps into them and quite easily knocks me over if I'm not ready for her advances. And what was once just a series of gurgles and spits is now the type of conversation only a toddler can provide. Sentences that mean nothing and everything at the same time.

I look at her and my heart explodes with every emotion a mother could have. I look at her with love and wonder, and I look at her with fear. This world, you know, isn't exactly easy. We're doing our best to raise her with smarts and strength, but what if it isn't enough? She's only two. She'll continue to learn her rights from wrongs. She'll continue to grow and develop into the woman she is meant to be.

This I believe.
And this I'll enjoy.

I've already seen so much: She says "please," "thank you," "welcome," and "sorry Momma" at almost every appropriate time. The "watch me" requests are coming more frequently and I am all too happy to oblige. I can't even handle it when she sings along to her favorite songs, and I want to jump for joy when she occasionally requests the use of her potty chair despite the diaper she still wears.

I remember two years ago. I remember it vividly. I cannot even begin to believe it was two years ago already! Labor was long, she took her sweet time coming into this world. But, damn she was worth the wait. A billion times over. And today, we celebrated her.

We spoiled her with far too many gifts, but we cannot help it.

Happy Birthday, Banana. Mommy loves you, more than her sloppy smooches can describe.

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