Friday, December 21, 2012

The Merry Merits of Milk (#Infographic)

In just about two weeks, my little Hannah Banana will be one. ONE! I cannot even process it! At this time last year, I was bursting at the seams with hope and love for a little bean of a baby—and now I'm chasing her around the house as she pushes an empty Keurig box from here to there. She isn't quite walking on her own yet, but the girl can get her move on. This, of course, makes me a proud momma. And a momma that barely breastfeeds anymore. We're down to one feeding in the morning, and I'm thawing out breast milk for her for lunch, an afternoon snack and a bedtime bottle. I think we'll continue this until January 3, at which point I'll introduce cow's milk.

Which brings me to today's post. It's about milk of the moo variety. Do you drink it? Obviously it's chock full of calcium, protein and other essential nutrients like Vitamins A and B. I should probably drink more of it myself...I generally just use it in my cereal, or to liven up a cup of coffee. Or, if I'm being completely honest and open with you, I dip my cookie in it. You know, like Santa does. Do your kids leave cookies and milk out for Santa? I'm certain Hannah will when she's old enough to understand. I mean, milk is good for the man:

In case you missed it, please read the red box in the lower right-hand corner. "All data was determined using Santa's magic calculator." Gosh, that makes me happy. I'll never stop believing. It's just too much fun.

Question: How much milk do you drink in a day? Do you drink cow's milk or something else? I'm a fan of almond milk, too.

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