Thursday, October 4, 2012

To run...or not to run.

Temperatures are dropping like leaves up here in Michigan and I'm loving it.

There's nothing better than the crunch-crunch sound your feet make as they pace through what used to be green and beautiful.  And it's certainly nice not to be sweating profusely as every tenth of a mile passes by. But today, we did have an oddly warm day so I laced up and buckled the girl into BOB and ran down by the beach.

I feel like my days of running the beach are almost gone. It's supposed to get wicked cold here shortly, which I'm sure will lead to a wicked winter. Last winter was just too mild and that's how it usually works out for us up next to the lake. I'm not looking forward to bitter cold winds and wet snowfalls just yet. Yes, I said snow. It pains me to even think it, which is why I'm having an internal battle of sorts right now.

My runs are going so well right now that I'm anxious to keep upping my mileage. I'm due for seven miles this weekend, and before I know it, I'll be running nine in Chicago for the Hot Chocolate 15K. But I sort of don't want to stop there and would really love to run a half marathon shortly thereafter.

There is one in the city in January.

It would totally continue my current training plan in a way that would make the race doable—except that I'd be running it in the middle of winter. In the windy city of Chicago. Along the shores of Lake Michigan. And I'd be training on my side of the lake, which is equally unawesome in the winter.

I freeze my toes off just thinking about it.

But there's also a 10K that weekend, which would be totally doable yet still freezing cold, I am certain. Thus, my internal battle. The dialogue goes something like this:

Me: "It can't be that bad. Why can't you keep training in the winter."
Me: "I dunno...the holidays. It's cold. My snot would freeze and that's gross."
Me: "Get over it, fool. You can do it if you put your mind to...or back into it, whichever."
Me: "I could totally do it. I just have to commit."
Me: "You just have to commit."
Me: "Another race medal would be sweet."
Me: "Bling!"
Me: "Maybe I'll just do the 10K, that's for sure a doable."
Me: "Lame."
Me: "Am I being lame?"
Me: "You're being lame."
Me: "But mom said she'd run the 10K with me. I'd have to run the half alone."
Me: "So. Run it alone if it's a goal you want to achieve."
Me: "I dunno."
Me: "Sigh."

I dunno what to do.

Question: What should I do?


Susan said...

I think you could do either one! Maybe see how you feel after your 15K. It will be cold, but maybe you can use it as an excuse to buy some new, cute, warm running gear!

Katie Evans said...

Do it!! You'll regret it if you don't give it a try :)

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