Sunday, August 12, 2012

What I Think About When I Run

I went for a nice 6-miler this morning, during which I came to the conclusion that my thoughts go crazy when I'm pounding pavement. Hence, the reason I think running is so therapeutic for me. I can climb into myself for an hour or so and get completely lost in my thoughts. Sometimes those thoughts are serious, other times they're quite frivolous. And sometimes, they're super focused on the run. Therefore, I run for both therapy AND sport. It's great. But I think you might laugh out loud if you heard the ongoing diatribe of thoughts. Or maybe you'd relate. Be the judge:

"Ugh, bridge. I'm so going to fall in the water."

"Espadrilles with ankle-ties?! Damn. I hope I'm that stylish when my hair is white."
"I hope my hair doesn't look stupid."
"I should have gone to church today."
"This would be a great blog post. Stop thinking about the blog."
"Cool flowers. Instagram it."

"I have to pee."
"Race walking is funny. I should try it."
"Stop...stop...stop...backing up. Thank you."
"Stupid IT band."
"I can't believe how fast that guy from Uganda ran the marathon."
"I have to pee."
"Did Hannah really just wave to me when I left?"
"Sick, dog shit. Who leaves shit on the sidewalk?"
"F-ing side cramp."
"That KIND bar was so good."
"I want iced coffee"
"I'm so glad I went for this run."
"Biker. Sweet jersey."
"I have to pee."
"I wonder if you can see my calf muscles."
"Who's this creeper? Be cool."
"I love this song."

"Wait...he looks like my cousin."
"Dammit. Shoulda plugged my phone in."
"What happened to big dogs? Purse dogs are funny."
"That sucks so bad."

"Glad it's not my house."
"I smell."
"I want iced coffee."
"Ew, my ponytail is disgusting."

And then I got back to my in-laws. I love running when I'm up there. They have a great, quite route around town that I can follow which makes for some good scenery. And new inspiration to keep moving...and thinking...through my run.

Question: What do you think about when you run?


Tammy said...

Did she wave?!?!

adailydoseoffit said...

She waves...but I'm not sure if it means "hello" or "goodbye" might just be a new movement!

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