Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pandora Radio: Music at your fingertips.

If there is one thing I hate about teaching group fitness, it's having to put together a playlist. Music can make or break a workout and everyone has such different tastes, so there's a certain amount of pressure that comes with making a playlist. And if you're teaching more than one class a week, well...that pressure gets crazy. And expensive if you try to keep up with the latest hits. I do my best to rotate my tunes as frequently as possible, but it's really hard to A) find the time to create new playlists for each class, and B) not use the same music over and over again. So you can imagine how easy it might be for an instructor to get sick of their own music. It's to the point where I don't even work out with music anymore. Imagine what that's like on the treadmill.

But then I put the Pandora Radio app on my iPhone. If you don't have this app on your iPhone, you should go to the App Store right now and download the free version. (The difference between the free and paid-for version? Ads, which aren't that annoying.) Don't have an iPhone? There's a Pandora Radio app for Android and Blackberry phones, too.

Basically, it puts music at your fingertips. Instant playlists built with tunes you love from the genre you're in the mood for. Needless to say, I'm working out with music again. Particularly speaking, to the "Dance Cardio Radio" and "Pop and Hip Hop Power Workout Radio" stations, which have yet to disappoint.

Best part? If you like a song, you can bookmark it. So if you really want to purchase it, you won't forget about it—I always forget about songs I've decided that I like and want. My brain never fails me in this way, but Pandora wins it for me now every time.

So what songs have I been jammin' to at the gym lately? (So good to be back at it, btw.) I'm liking Cascada's "Evacuate the Dance Floor" and Pitbull's "Shake Senora." Bet you'll start dancing on the treadmill to that last one...

Question: What's on your playlist? If you use Pandora, what stations do you listen to?

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