Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hmm, which yogurt to pick...

The yogurt aisle flabbergasts me. Literally, there are hundreds of options—and I know my grocer doesn't even stock all that the industry has to offer. I typically stick with Chobani, mostly because it's familiar and I know it's truly good for me. I wonder, I certainly do wonder about all the other brands (and options within brands), but I just don't have the energy to read label after label. Because you really do have to read labels when you're shopping for yogurt. Very quickly, it starts to rival ice cream. Fat and sugar contents are sometimes startling, and "all-natural" claims are often false. Again, that's why I typically stick with Chobani.

But yesterday, I bought something new. I ventured into unfamiliar territory, I did. And I wasn't disappointed. Ever hear of Nostimo Greek yogurt? It's new to me.

And it was only $0.97...yeah, that's on the cheaper end of the Greek yogurt spectrum. I figured Vanilla would be a good place to start, plus...I'm not always the biggest fan of added fruit. It has to be the perfect type of added fruit to please my taste buds, otherwise it reminds me of (pardon the comparison) boogers. Anyways. This stuff isn't bad, although it doesn't beat the always-good Chobani. And I'm not quite the fan of the sugar content. Here's the label:

You can see that there are 17 grams of sugar. I typically try to keep that number as close to ten as possible. 17 isn't bad, but it's not good either. And those grams come from actual sugar, rather than some manufactured version of it, which is always a good thing. Chobani's version of Vanilla Greek yogurt has 13 grams, which is less...but still not the best. And it employs evaporated cane juice. Still a pure and good option. I don't know that I like the addition of corn starch in the Nostimo yogurt, but I think it's just a thickener—isn't Greek yogurt naturally thick? Is Nostimo cheating? I don't know.

So, moral of the story: Be adventurous in the yogurt aisle, there's so many options! But be smart, too. Read labels carefully so that you don't turn what could be a healthy snack into a sugar bomb.

Need further clarification? Read this: "How to Decipher the Yogurt Aisle—Finding Truly Healthy, Weight-loss Options"

Question: How does yogurt fit into your diet? Have you tried anything new lately? What is your favorite brand and why?


Jeff said...

Is it gluten free?

Carol said...

I discovered Nostimo at Lowe's Foods. I am adventurous when it comes to Greek style yogurt, and discovered the Nonfat plain to have good flavor, and consistency. I like to mix some honey in. With 6g sugar, I think it an good value compared to others for a 32oz size container.

adailydoseoffit said...

Adventurous with Greek yogurt? You and me both!

BB said...

Fell in love with this yogurt while on vacation in Wisconsin. Have been looking for it in Illinois and so far have not found it in any local grocery stores although it is made locally. Go figure! Where in Illinois can this be purchased?

adailydoseoffit said...

I would check their website. There should be a search function that'll allow you to find retailers by state...

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