Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Complete Guide to Interval Training (#Infographic)

I subbed the Wednesday 6:00AM class today. The typical teacher goes the step route, which I know nothing about, so I taught it like every other Circuit Sculpt class I've taught. Cardio and strength training in one fell swoop. And today, I realized that this whole keep-HR-below-140 thing is going to be hard for me. Really hard, actually. I am much more used to working at a higher intensity. My brain says "WTF!" while my body says "Baby on board, lady." Of course, I listen to my body which means that I am modifying my little heart out, much to my brain's dismay.

"Do as I say, not as I do..." barked this lady this morning as she slowed down her efforts during the cardio portions of class. Just because I have to lower the intensity does not mean they have to! And it doesn't mean you have to either. Which is why I'd like to present the following infographic.

You know I love me some infographic.

Question: How intense are your workouts? Do you monitor your heart rate? If you do interval training, what kind of exercises do you do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I borrowed this for my own blog! ;-)
I want to try the turbulence training. Seems fun. i am a fitness instructor too, and have 2 kids. I taught while pregnant with both. It was virtually impossible to keep my HR below 140. I wore a HR monitor, but really just went by how I felt. I would not have been able to do anything ( walk up steps to go and teach!) if I were to stay under 140. My doc. was really good about letting me do my thing. ;) Happy pregnancy to you and keep on movin'!

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