Tuesday, April 5, 2011

On comments and Link Love.

So today I'm taking a break from my regularly scheduled dose of fit (just for today, I promise) to address two topics directly related to Daily Dose. 1) Comments. 2) Link Love. I know, I know...commence the snoozefest, right? Bear with me, it's not all boring.

On comments.
A few readers have brought to my attention their inability to leave comments. And since I absolutely love reading your comments, I sprung into action. You might have noticed that the comments form no longer appears below my post. It should now open up in a new page that looks something like this:

 Just click on "Name/URL" and fill in the blanks. No worries if you don't have a URL that you want to promote. You can leave it blank. If you don't get to this form, check to make sure that your Internet preferences allow for 3rd Party Cookies. This has often been the issue. Or, try using another browser. Firefox doesn't always work, but I've had great success in Safari. Silly issues, I know, but issues that remain out of my hands so I thought I'd fill you in. Now, let's move on to something a bit more fun.

Link Love
Whenever I open my Google Reader, I have a small library of new posts just waiting to distract me from whatever else I should be doing. I really enjoy reading the Internet! From other healthy living blogs to cooking, fashion and decorating blogs—there's so much good stuff out there. But it's almost impossible to find it on your own, which is why I decided to create a Link Love section on Daily Dose. It's down there, see it? Over in the sidebar...scroll down. There ya go! Click through and enjoy. It's not a complete list, but contains a bulk of the sites I've already mentioned at least once. I'll be updating it as I see fit, so check back often for new and exciting links.

And that's all the business I have for you today, so I'll leave you with this. A rutabega:

It's an ingredient I came to know through Terry Walters' Clean Start cookbook, which I happen to be giving away right now. It was all part of a dish that involved French Lentils with Roasted Roots, Carmelized Onions and Thyme. Bottom center in the following picture:

I served it up with a baked chicken breast and some sauteed chard. A tasty dish, indeed.

Question: Do you eat lentils? What's your take on beans—how do you incorporate them into your diet?

REMINDER! Don't forget to enter my giveaway! You just might win one of two cookbooks from Terry Walters! (Contest ends at midnight EST on Friday, February 8, 2011).


Rachel said...

I love lentils! They're like rice but don't take as long to cook. My kids are split (one loves, one doesn't, but he's pretty picky!)

We eat a lot of beans - we only buy meat from locally raised, humanely slaughtered places, which can be pretty expensive. So, we only eat it maybe twice a week. We eat beans probably four times a week! :)

Unknown said...

I had canellini beans sauteed in my kale for dinner tonight! Love lentil soup but I've never made them any other way.

@Rachel, way to go with the local meat! I had local chicken this past weekend and it was to die for. Expensive though, you're right!

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