Sunday, April 10, 2011

And the winner is... (plus, a race expo)

Congrats, Rachel! You will be receiving a copy of Clean Food, and'll get a copy of Clean Start. I think this worked out perfectly based on your comments, dontcha think? The gods at must have been at your sides this weekend. Keep us all posted on your cooking! Until then, let's talk about race expos. Since the Shamrock Shuffle is held in Chicago, the race expo took place in a convention hall on Navy Pier. If you've ever been to Navy Pier, you know this place is a huge cluster of tourists.

Lucky for them, the expo was open to the public. (If you ever come upon one, check it out!)

Most major races hand out their packets (race numbers and time chips) at an expo, which is basically a miniature health and fitness fair. Think race sponsors, health and fitness related products, race stuff. Every booth there wants you to know and love them or their products, so they're all too willing to give you samples and other fun things like pens and stickers.

At this particular expo, the Clif samples were flowing free for all to munch on.

I didn't take as many pics as I had hoped to, mostly because I was too busy checking things out. It happens. Lots to look at. Particularly the heart rate monitors at the Polar table. I don't have one, but I want to get one. Any suggestions? I was looking at one of the basic models that comes with a chest strap. Love them or hate them? I value your opinion.

I also value my new wish bracelets.

Red is for well being. Pink is for happiness. You make a wish when you tie them on, and when they fall off, your wish comes true. Cheesy, I know. But totally fun. When my sister and I were little, we would ALWAYS get them when we went on family vacations. You can't really find them unless you're in a touristy spot because they only sell them at cheap little booths. And, well...that's the beauty of Navy Pier. I think we've taken to purchasing one (or two) whenever we do happen to go down there. Which, really isn't that often. Sibling pic:

I value her, too. More than my wish bracelets.
Race recap tomorrow!

Question: Do you have any crazy traditions that only your sibling or siblings would appreciate? And really, do give me your opinion on a good heart rate monitor if you have one. I'm seriously on the market for one!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh my gosh, you have no idea how thrilled I am!

Should I email you??

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