Monday, March 14, 2011

Eat amaranth for breakfast!

I'm so excited! This girl right here is featured on Fitblogger today. Check out the post to learn a little bit more about Daily Dose! And if you've got the time, browse around the site. It's a great place to find more blogs just like mine, written by health and fitness geeks just like me! (I use the term "geeks" quite lovingly.) Hooray! Can you tell I'm jumping out of my seat right now? I never thought my little place on the Internet would grow as it has. If you're reading this because of Fitblogger, to you I shout a very loud and resounding HELLO! and WELCOME! Glad to have ya.

If I could, I'd make everyone a delicious breakfast in celebration of our newfound friendship of sorts. Wouldn't it be great to gather around the table over a nice, hot and delicious bowl of amaranth?

Yeah, move on over oatmeal! There's a new cereal in my house these days. I bought the bag above a few weeks ago, but only recently got the chance to cook some of it up and boy, oh boy was it good.

It was sort of quinoa-y, but a tad sweeter. More breakfasty, if you get my drift. I cooked it exactly like I typically cook my oatmeal, topping it off with some banana slices and a small dribble of pure maple syrup. DE-LISH. And filling. Also quite good for me, as amaranth is filled with protein. (FYI—if you're following a gluten-free diet, you're in luck. Amaranth fits the bill!)

With that, I must leave you. 'Tis a short and sweet post today, but Monday calls. And it's a crazy one—especially since I've lost an hour thanks to this silly time change thing. Egads, annoying.

Question: Have you been experimenting with other grains in your breakfast cereal as of late? What works well? What turns out particularly icky? I need details!

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