Friday, October 8, 2010

A Funny Fit Pic

Before I wrote yesterday's post, I took the now infamous article to my local Starbucks so I could enjoy a freshly brewed latte—which I didn't pay a cent for! Hooray! The company is giving away tall beverages to anyone who makes a VIA flavored coffee purchase, and since I've been wanting to try them, it was perfect! But you'll want to act fast if you'd like to take advantage. I guess they're only running this promotion through tomorrow. Boo. But anyway. I ended up with a decaf/non-fat caramel latte in one hand, a Kashi Pumpkin Spice granola bar (LOVE THEM) close by and a pen in my other hand. Clearly I had put together a rather thought-provoking snack.

Talk about notes in the margin! I was prepped and ready to write, the results of which you got to enjoy yesterday. But before I hit the computer, I killed some time wandering through the produce section (my one and only Starbucks is in a grocery store). Check out this lovely display:

All I can say is...really? I mean...REALLY?? This entire rack was full of pound cakes big and small, save for the three books you see. It was situated right next to the strawberries, and yes—bags of red strawberry goo were close by. Clearly the angel is the devil in this situation. Do people fall for the semi-subliminal message and reach for the book, or do they go with their gut and grab the ingredients necessary for a sinfully sweet strawberry shortcake? Hmm. I just kept walking as I was about to laugh out loud and probably already crossed the weirdo line since I was taking pictures (and killing time) in a grocery store.

I just couldn't help it. Sights like this crack my crap up. And it's why my camera is always in my bag. I had it with me at Club Industry today, but I'm too zonked to sort through all the images. I promise to post about it tomorrow. Until then, I bid you a fairly well Friday.

Question: Have you taken any funny fitness pictures? If so, send them my way and you just might see them in a post on this here blog! (Please remember, however, that all pictures must be yours and yours alone.)

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