Monday, January 30, 2017

6 Things I'm Loving Right Now, January 2017

Wow, so it's been awhile since I've A) checked in, and B) shared a few things that I am loving. True testament to life and all that it's throwing at me right now. Needless to say, 2017 did not start slow. Case and point: February is right around the corner. So I'm taking a break from the mayhem to reflect on a few of the thing I am loving right now. Maybe you'll love them, too.

1) The January POPSUGAR Must Have Box
My friends at POPSUGAR sent me another free box to review. But you should know, I would absolutely fork over my own money for this monthly subscription service. I am obsessed with everything they always send me. And on the off chance they send me something I can't use, I can usually find someone that will. For example, there's a peppermint tea in this month's box that I'll never drink (because coffee).

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But everything else, you know I'll use it. If you'd like to get a box for yourself (you totally should!), you can use SHOP5 at checkout to save $5. I promise you'll get your money's worth. This month's box adds up to about $200, but a monthly subscription costs $39/month. For real.

2) The Five Minute Journal
This year, I am trying to spend more time on my mental health. I think we all need to do more of this. Physical fitness is a total thing right now, and as we strive for strength, we often forget that mental strength is just as important. Journals help, but I suck at keeping them. So I hunted down something that would guide my thoughts, and I ended up with The Five Minute Journal:

journal, writing, books, guided meditation, thoughts
It's literally a gratitude adventure in five minutes. They call it a "secret weapon to focus on the good in your life, become more mindful, and live with intention." You get one page every day, and it literally takes five minutes to fill out at the start and end of each day. You write down things that you are grateful for, things that would make your day great, and then you reflect on that at the end of the day.

3) Angels on Bare Skin from Lush Cosmetics
I feel like I've been in a skincare funk. I haven't been able to find a face soap or lotion that I like, so maybe that means my skin is changing? I've always thought it to be sensitive, and it's got a hint of redness to it that can totally be covered by makeup, so that's good. But still. I just want a soap that works. Currently, I'm using two. One is cream-based and I use it regularly. The other is this gentle scrub from Lush.

cosmetics, face soap, face scrub, lush, homemade body products
It's not cheap, but it's worth it. My sister gave me a sample and one use convinced me to buy some. Plus, if you're not familiar with Lush, I'll tell you that almost all of the ingredients are natural and the products themselves are essentially homemade. My skin feels so soft and clean when I use this stuff. I probably use it three times a week.

I'm headed to Chicago in a few weeks and I think I'm going to splurge on some face lotion from Lush since I'm having such good luck with the brand. Also, their Rose Jam body wash is to die for, too.

4) Cascara Lattes from Starbucks
Now, full disclosure, I get non-fat milk and only one pump of the syrup...but, dang. This latte tastes good because it's subtly sweet. I'm over the super sweet coffee concoctions.

(Have you guys seen all the cute Valentine's Day stuff yet? So much pink!)

5) Planks
I go through phases with exercises. Right now, I'm in a plank phase. I was invited to participate in a fitness challenge at the gym, and it involved doing as many planks as possible each day. My longest plank so far was 25 minutes...and by "longest," I mean that I held 25 minutes of planks throughout one single day. Do planks, you'll notice a difference. I promise.

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6) Momentum Jewelry
I've been an ambassador for Momentum Jewelry for a few years now. Amy is wonderful and it shows through every single product she puts out. Each piece is handmade, highly motivational and absolutely fun to wear. My collection of Wrist Wraps is out of control, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Literally, a color for any outfit:

inspiration, fitspiration, quotes, jewelry, bracelets
In addition to the Wraps, Momentum also makes something they call a Sparklet. A smaller bracelet that's equally full of motivation.

motivation, inspiration, jewelry, bracelet,
You can totally use these bracelets as hair ties, or maybe they go around your water bottle. Endless options, and endless motivation. (PS: If you have a local running store, tell them about Momentum Jewelry. I was able to bring Momentum to my local running store and the locals are loving it.)

Question: What's one thing you are loving right now?

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