Sunday, December 7, 2014

20 Things to Remember About #Fitness

I'm making a solid effort to stay on track with my running this Winter. I hate running on the treadmill, so this time of year is awful for me. Thankfully, I can still sneak outside because our streets are not yet covered in snow and ice. It's cold, though, so I'm forced to wear some head gear:

At least, in this one case, it's head gear that I actually like. Because honestly, I hate hats. Unless they're perfect. And they so very rarely are, in my opinion.


The wind blows some pretty fierce temps off the lake.
I'll give it some credit for today's time:

And then I came inside and took a warm shower.

Changing subjects...

I recently finished reading the September issue of Marie Claire. Yeah, I'm that behind. It was the 20th anniversary issue and peppered throughout the magazine were lists of 20. For example:

Once I got to the end of the issue, and once I finally stopped drooling over all the Fall fashion must-haves, I started to think about that number.


Could I come up with such a list for fitness?
You betcha, friend.

In no particular order, I give you 20 things to remember about fitness:

1) Fitness isn't a trend—it's a way of life.
2) Fitness is everywhere, and you don't always have to pay for it.
3) Yes, you should try that group fitness class if it interests you.
4) No one at the gym is staring at you—unless you've got cool fitness gear on.
5) Cool fitness gear doesn't have to be expensive. (Ahem, Kohl's. #myfavorite)

6) There IS such a thing as too much exercise.
7) You really DO have to stretch. For real.
8) Fitness can and should be fun. Even when it isn't.
9) Not all personal trainers are the same. Experiment if necessary.
10) If you run any distance whatsoever on a regular basis, you are a runner.

11) There's no such thing as the "guy" or "girl" section at the gym.
12) Gyms really aren't that intimidating once you get to know them.
13) Fitness jobs are fun, but they take work—and it's worth it.
14) There are a lot of certifications out there. Bottom line, choose one that inspires you.
15) Fitness is only part of the equation. Because, diet.

16) Fitness is not always defined by what you look like.
17) Fitness can be very social...
18) ...and yet, it's also quite personal. Because you gotta do what works for YOU.
19) Fitness is empowering on so many levels.
20) Finding your definition of fit and healthy can take some time. But it's worth the wait.

Did you enter my giveaway yet? If you need a 2015 calendar, you'll want to check it out. I'm giving away my favorite page-a-day and there's still time for you to enter.

Question: What would you add to this list?


Mary said...

Great list! My favorite fitness activities are free. Find what you love and you'll stick with it!

Tracy@myfitfocusedlife said...

Great list!! I like the reminder that fitness doesn't have to cost us! There are so many free ways to get active.

adailydoseoffit said...

Right? I mean, bodyweight exercises are the best. As is playing outside!

adailydoseoffit said...

You speak the truth, Mary!

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