Monday, July 7, 2014

Guest Post: Nutella Smoothie (#vegan) (#glutenfree)

So you guys know I'm not one to follow a vegan or gluten-free diet. In fact, the only diet I really follow is the "moderate" diet. As in, everything in moderation with an emphasis on trying to watch for the best, healthiest options at all times. Translation: Love me some veggies, but I won't turn down a scoop of something like Nutella. Which is super tasty delicious, but not always the healthiest of options. Unless you make your own. Or make something that tastes LIKE it. For example, a smoothie. So when Nicole of Fitful Focus offered up a recipe to share, I was doubly excited to see that it was a Nutella Smoothie. And no, you don't need a jar of Nutella to make it happen. And yes, it's vegan and gluten-free so those of you that follow those diets can still indulge. Check it:

Hi there, A Daily Dose of Fit readers! I’m pumped to be guest posting for Tara today while she’s taking care of the newest member of her family. (Yay! Thanks for helping out, Nicole!) A quick fact about me: I am a morning workout gal. Well, I’m a morning workout gal when my pillow doesn’t win the daily battle of “do I really want to work out right now? This pillow is so comfy...and I’m still sleepy...maybe my body is telling me I should keep sleeping...sleep is important, too...I’ll work out after work. Zzzzzz.”

Another fact about me: I NEVER work out after work. I’m either working late or just don’t have the motivation after a long day. For me, I have to get my butt outta bed and get to it or I don’t work out at all. Luckily, when it comes to the pillow battle, I win 60% of the time. Just kidding (kinda)! I aim to get up and work out 4 to 5 days a week.

After a workout, the last thing I want to do is whip up a complicated breakfast. I want something quick and easy to help me refuel, but it has to satisfy my taste buds. Enter: the Nutella Smoothie!

That’s some chocolatey, hazelnutty goodness right there. I use a chocolate protein powder to fuel my muscles, but hazelnuts also have a ton of health benefits. They provide your body with healthy fats, have magnesium to help regulate calcium flow, and are rich in B vitamins.

This bad boy is so satisfying after a good sweat sesh, and it tastes like dessert for breakfast! IT's also vegan, gluten-free and uber delicious. Oh, and it takes all of two minutes to whip up! Here's the recipe

So what are you waiting for? Go sweat it out and refuel it up with this Nutella Smoothie. Or, if you're not into the whole hazelnut thing, you can check out a ton of other smoothie recipes on Fitful Focus!

Seriously, go check out those smoothie recipes. I'm drooling over here. You can also find Nicole on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Now tell me:

Question: What is your favorite smoothie ingredient? Why?


Nicole @ Fitful Focus said...

Yey! Thanks for having me :)

adailydoseoffit said...

Thanks so much for sharing your recipe!

adailydoseoffit said...

Right? And they also seem to thicken them up a bit, which I like.

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