Monday, July 14, 2014

Guest Post: 5 Ways to Fuel Up for a Long Run

Talk to any distance runner and you'll soon find yourself discussing the art of fueling up for a long run—it really is an art, also a science. The market is overflowing with options, some of which are healthier than others. And some of which work better than others. It's really a matter of figuring out what works for you, but this can often be an overwhelming trial/error type of task. So today, I'm thrilled to share with you a post from Courtney of Eat Pray Run DC. She lists out five products that work for her, some of which you've no doubt seen on the shelves and/or wondered about yourself.

Everyone fuels up differently and not everything will work for everybody, so I really recommend that you use your training runs as a test ground. See what works or doesn't work for you so that by the time race day comes around, you have it down to a science.

1) Clif's Shot Bloks
These energy chews are my go to fuel for runs over six miles. I usually take half every two miles starting at mile six on longer runs. I like the variety of flavors and they are easy to get down. I do have to have a swig of water after I take one though, so keep that in mind if you're trying them! My favorite flavor is strawberry but I also really like the margarita flavor—they contain extra salt to replace the salt you lose while running.

2) Honey Stinger Waffles
Sometimes I need actual food when I'm running, but I don't want anything that is hard to digest. This is where Honey Stinger Waffles come into play. It's real food but easy to eat on the run. I also love these with peanut butter (see below for more on that).

3) Huma Gels
I cannot do Gu. It grosses me out. However, I love Huma Gels—chia energy gels that are 100% natural and I love the taste. I primarily like to use these right before a run or right after, although I've had them on the run as well and they are easy to use on the move.

4) PowerBar Performance Energy Gels
Another gel that is tasty and I may or may not have actually eaten them when I wasn't even running. Ahem. Yeah, they're that good.

5) Good ol' PB
Peanut butter is the perfect fuel for a run. I love to put peanut butter on my Honey Stinger Waffles for a great pre-run snack. Or peanut butter on a whole wheat English muffin. Or on basically anything. PB for the win—always.

I think the most important thing about fueling is to test out what works for you. There were some things I tried that forced me to have unintended potty stops on the run and some things I just couldn't stomach first thing in the morning. I have a hard enough time eating before a run, so it was important for me to find options that I could rotate and wouldn't feel like I was choking down. I hope this list is helpful for you in your search for fuels to try!

Always great to hear what works for others, right? I've used the Shot Bloks before, and I do really like them, but have since switched up to GoGoSqueeze and Cocogo. Looking forward to getting back into some training soon...

For more about running (and other topics) from Courtney, be sure to keep up with her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, too! Now tell us...

Question: How do you fuel up for a long run? What are some of your go-to products?


Brittney said...

Lemonade is my favorite.

kyalee said...

I'm drinking one rn and I love them

Angela M. said...

I used to love this beverage, don't get me wrong, I still do. It's delicious.
But I am concerned that, lately, I have been feeling dizzy right after I drink it. Could be something else, but right now the correlation is just to strong to ignore.

Angela M. said...

Favorite flavor: Lemon Lime
Favorite feeling: "Undizzy" :(

Brooke Draak said...

Granted they taste good, but so many of my coworkers buy this thinking it is healthy and good for their weight loss. Sure, just like diet soda. (sArcasm)It's the power of marketing!

Russell said...

Well I think you can over analyze anything. Simply put this is a healthier alternative to pop. Which has only gone out the window in this past couple years as a standard occasional drink. Im very happy with ICE. I would even suggest diluting it with water if you need more water. I take fiber daily and do need water. So yes I add to regular water sometimes to make it go down better.

clintrad4 said...

no mention of red 40 or yellow 5 etc, poses as healthy with added vitamins and anti-oxidants but in reality it's likely not the best choice. Nothing beats water as a beverage.

Person said...

Personally, i LOVE sparkling ice. My favorite is the strawberry lemonade. It gives the fizziness as soda, but is much healthier!

Jo said...

I started drinking this over soda in July. Since I've stopped drinking soda and drink this, I lost 30 pounds. Not entirely putting it on this drink but I have to say I am 1 happy woman! I love this product!

Becky said...

Tried this for the first time today.... Strawberry lemonade. Love it!

Christina said...

Omg Sparkling Ice is my addiction! I found this after I quit drinking Monster and I'm so glad I found this drink bcuz anything else has tons of sugar and whatever else that isn't good for u.. If it ever goes out of stock,its my fault bcuz I buy enough for the week which I drink it like a alcoholic drinks their beers 😊 I love all the flavors but my #1 favorite is Black Raspberry <3

don said...

Sparkling Ice is garbage. It is full of artificial colors and synthetic sweeteners. Get a clue, why do you think it's 5-$5 at every store? It's garbage

don said...

If your looking for an actual healthy alternative to Sparkling Ice try BAI. It is all natural and only 1 gram of sugar. It's Kosher, non GMO, the bottle is BPA free, low glycemic etc etc etc. Yea it cost twice as much as this Sparkling ice crap but who cares when it comes to your health.

adailydoseoffit said...

Thanks for sharing your opinion, Don. While I respect it, phrases like "get a clue" are less than constructive and downright rude.

Jack said...

No they were correct. Its sucrose, not sucralose. The person that is diabetic who posed the question is not questioning how much Splenda (sucralose) is in the product, they are questioning how much sucrose (fruit juice concentrate) is in the product. Products are often misleading because natural sugars such as sucrose and artificial sugars such as sucralose are not consider "sugar". Natural sugars tend to raise blood sugar in all people which is an issue for diabetics, while artificial sugars only effect certain people. So while this product claims to have zero carbs and zero sugars, in reality it actually does have both.

PamH said...

Love ICE - my favorite is coconut pineapple. Got me off soda.

Lori mongi said...

Peach mango kiwi strawberry, and peach nectarine are my favorites. I drink up to four bottles of sparkling ice daily, it's the best! Don't buy the knockoff brands, they taste like crap!

Bill said...

Could you get off this board if you're so concerned about it

ELIOR said...

What is the source of the Maltodextrins used in ICE?

lori frost said...

mango and the black raspberry are my favorite. Trying to kick the Diet Dr. Pepper and hoping this is better for me.

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