Tuesday, January 7, 2014

8 Tips For Taking Your First #Spinning Class

Spinning classes can be really intimidating for the inexperienced rider. A single peek into an active studio reveals loud music, geared up riders, an instructor barking orders and (of course) tons of sweat—and each one of these factors are positive influences on a great workout. Inexperienced riders, you need not be intimidated!

As a fitness director, I've gotten repeat requests for a beginning Spinning class. While I don't discredit this idea, my response is always the same: The beauty of the Spinning program lies in its ability to welcome everyone. If you've got the health, you've got the ability. And every instructor (at my facility or yours, dear reader) should be fully trained to help integrate you into their ride. Yes, you can sit right next to the guy who rides on a team, or even the member that's been Spinning for years. You can. You really, truly can.

But, intimidation is a nasty thing sometimes and it takes a whole lot of gumption to get over it. So today, as a certified Spinning instructor, I'm going to offer you eight tips for taking your first Spinning class.

1) Sign up for a class. If you work up the courage to take your first Spinning class, make sure you sign up. Most gyms/studios operate their Spinning programs on a sign-up basis because space (obviously) is limited. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the cancellation policy in case something comes up and you can't attend.

2) Be open to new experiences. Like any new workout, you'll put yourself through something different in a Spinning class. This is not a bad thing. Be open to the experience the moment you sign up for it. Going into it with regret, hate or any other preconceived notions will only hinder what you take away from the class.

3) Don't ride on an empty stomach. Your body needs fuel to function. Be sure to have a light snack or meal within the hour or two before your class. Not doing so will hinder your performance and, consequently, your experience.

4) Don't leave home without a water bottle. It is absolutely essential that you ride with water. There are no exceptions to this rule! To ride without is to put yourself at risk for dehydration. Most (if not all) Spinning bikes are equipped with holsters. Best kind of bottle? If you can operate it with one hand, you'll be good. The last thing you want to fumble with mid-ride is a lid.

5) Arrive early and ask for help setting up your bike (and write down the settings if possible). There really is a science to it, not to mention more than one knob to adjust. Instructors are trained to find the best fit possible for each and every rider, so take advantage. Riding on an improperly set up bike can lead to discomfort and, ultimately, injury.

6) If you have a heart rate monitor, wear it. Heart rate is a huge component of the Spinning program. Tuning in to your heart rate, what it is at rest and where your max heart rate lies, will help you get the most out of your workout. This is, of course, best done with a heart rate monitor. However, if you don't have one, fear not. Your instructor will (should) speak to both heart rate percentages and ratings of perceived exertion.

7) Don't try to keep up. As previously stated, the beauty of a Spinning class lies in its ability to welcome anyone of sound health. If your instructor cues you to increase your speed, do so to a point that's comfortable for you. Don't feel like you have to race you neighbor. It's all about working at an intensity that's appropriate for you.

8) Take your second Spinning class. There is certainly a learning curve anytime you try something new. Spinning classes are no exception to this rule. Take it all in, then take your second class and start to apply what you've learned. (And yes, the more you ride, the less your butt hurts).

Question: What tips can you provide for inexperienced riders? What is your favorite thing about Spinning classes?


Linz @ Itz Linz said...

i was DEFINITELY super nervous to take my first spinning class! the instructor convinced me to join and said no one ever knows how much resistance you or anyone else have on your back, so the first class take it easy and get through it and then YES come back for a second (like you said) and play with the resistance more! def made me feel more comfortable!

adailydoseoffit said...

That's what's great about a Spinning class, right? You can totally, easily adapt it to your individual fitness!

Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie said...

Wow what perfect timing for this! haha The gym I'm about to join has beginning spinning classes. I'm curious how that class differs but I love the regular one way too much!

Jenn @ Jenn's Fitness Adventur said...

I tell my students the same thing about the resistance! I honestly could care less if first time students (or even people still working up to it) sit on the bike and ride at one level for the whole class. They're on the bike, in class, and moving and working at their own pace. The drills and everything else will come with time - it's being there and continuously peddling and pushing yourself that's important.

adailydoseoffit said...

Perfectly stated!

adailydoseoffit said...

I'm sure the beginning class is a bit slower in pace, probably has less drills and involves a bit more how-to in terms of instruction and bike setup. If you've been attending Spinning classes already, you'd probably be bored! Have fun at your new gym!

Katy said...

GREAT tips! Especially #7 - you definitely have to start at your own pace and work your way up. Thanks for sharing!

Kristen K. said...

I was actually thinking about trying a spinning class last night! I seriously might have to do this. I'm not sure if you have a Shake Shack near you, but the one in Philly is offering a free class at Flywheel, and then a 2 mile run back to Shake Shack for a free burger and beer at the end of January. Obviously that is the most amazing sounding thing ever, but I'm so scared about taking my first spin class with a bunch of people that I then have to run and eat with because I'm sure I'll be half dead! So your post might have inspired me enough to take a class next week so that I don't look silly my first time :)

adailydoseoffit said...

No Shake Shacks or Flywheels, but this sounds like an awesomely fun thing to do! You MUST participate! And remember, not a single person in that class will think you look silly. They'll just be happy to have another rider! You can do it! And let me know how it goes if you do...

Renee said...

Yes to all of these as an instructor I always tell people who want to try my classes many of these same things. Also KNOW you are going to be SORE in a particular area the next day if you aren't a regular rider ;)

adailydoseoffit said...

Haha! Yep...sore. That goes away with time. I don't even ride with padded shorts/pants on anymore! Those always drove me nuts anyways.

Nora Santos said...

I have some knee problems and my physical therapist suggested that I take a spinning class to help strengthen my knees. I am not an athletic person, so I am worried about going into a class where everyone will be better than me. These were some nice tips to help give me the courage to sign up, and I will have my first class this week!

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