Saturday, August 18, 2012

@Chobani Conversion Chart

My sister sent me a link, which lead to some investigative sourcing on my part...which then lead me to Chobani on Pinterest. And that's where I found this:

I'm pretty much obsessed with Chobani, and now I have even more reason to eat it. Because, well...I'm also fairly obsessed with baking. And, truth be told, I don't always bake with the best of ingredients. But now I can add Chobani into my favorite chocolate chip cheat cookies to make them even less cheat-y. Hooray! And wouldn't you know, I've got a whole box of CHO in my 'fridge right now.

Question: What healthy substitution do you make when you bake? Have you ever used Chobani in one of the ways mentioned above?

Disclaimer: Chobani sent me the box above free of charge without any requirements. I was not paid to mention it, nor was I even asked to. I'm just obsessed with CHO, and therefore, you can rest assured that all opinions are my own. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's #chobanitime.


Jennifer Drummond said...

I am obsessed with Chobani! I use it in my baking all of the time!!! I eat everyday!!! Love it!!

adailydoseoffit said...

You and me both, sister! It's sooo goood.

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