Friday, April 6, 2012

World Physical Activity Day

So I guess it's World Physical Activity Day:

It serves as a gentle reminder...a bit of encouragement...for each and every one of us to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each and every day. So get out and exercise today (if you haven't already) and let those 30 minutes be the first of many more 30-minute adventures to come.

Speaking of adventures, my first week of working is underneath the belt I'm not even wearing. (Never have I ever understood that "under the belt" saying. You? Anyway.) It was a light week. I saw one client three times and another just once. Things'll get a little crazier next week as I add two TRX classes to my schedule. Little Miss seems to like it in the nursery. So thankful for that.

A lot of people have asked me how I felt about having to go back to work, and I can say with complete honesty that I was excited about it. I think it helps that I love what I do, that I essentially make my own schedule and that Hannah comes with me. I don't have to worry about 8-hour separation anxiety taking over. And I can really work my schedule around what's best for hers, so I don't have to worry about throwing her off.

But I'm finding her to be quite adaptable, so that's good. What's not good? She seems to have a slight cold. I have the snot marks on my sweater to prove it.

That's enough about that, though.
It's Friday. You have better things to do than sit there and read about my daughter's nose.

Like, for example, there's those 30 minutes of physical activity...

Question: What was your workout like today? I hit three miles on the treadmill (while watching my friend Heather rock the contestant's row on The Price Is Right).


Jen @ Peanut Butter and Peppers said...

I wish I knew this, I just got your post now! Yesterday all I did was 30 minutes of Ab exercises, but I did do some shopping so I wasn't sitting on my butt all day! Happy Easter!

TARA said...

Shopping is serious cardio. Right? Some might even consider it a form of kickboxing. You know, if there's only one awesome item left on the sale rack and some other girl walks up at the same time... :-)

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