Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WIAW: Late Lunch, Great Lunch

So I didn't eat lunch until 3:30PM today. It just wasn't my day. I had to run a few errands in my little downtown, during which I thought I'd successfully pick something up from the Greek restaurant. I wanted hummus somethin' fierce. But it wasn't meant to be and I ended up getting my money back. And probably making the manager really mad, but that's what you get when you charge me too much and then tell me you don't have what I ordered. And sorry, my kid's screaming. I really just need to go.

By the time I got home, someone else wanted lunch. And then wouldn't go down for a nap.


Lunch was a late one, but it was super great:

Egg on an English muffing with a wedge of Laughing Cow Queso Fresco and Chipotle, red pepper and onion slices, and some spinach. Yeah, totally—so good.

Not pictured: The side of Chobani. Pomegranate, style. One of my favorites.

Let's back it up to breakfast. It is, after all, What I Ate Wednesday so I must share these things.

So, oats in a jar served in a bowl and eaten at 5:00AM.

Pretty typical these days, and no...those aren't black olives. Although I like them, I much prefer blueberries in my oats as shown. I also prefer decaf coffee, but when you're pressed for time, you resort to what you've got on hand. And what I had on hand was a packet of instant Starbucks Vanilla coffee. To go:

I only had one client at the gym, but I wanted to hit up the library on the way home. It was 9:15AM when I left, and since I hadn't eaten since 5:00AM, I packed a little tin full of almonds, hazelnuts and chopped prunes. Not raisins, prunes.

It was the perfect snack, especially since it held me over until 3:30PM. I ended up eating some more nuts after my late-but-great lunch, only these nuts were covered in dark chocolate.

I walked right past my favorite chocolate shop...come now, not go in? Crazy talk. And since my afternoon was, as I've already told you, quite crazy, I allowed myself a glass of wine while I prepped dinner.

What kind? Chateau Grand Traverse Late Harvest Riesling. It's a Michigan wine, actually. And yes, I am breastfeeding...but Hannah gets a bottle before bed, so it's perfectly fine for mom to indulge herself a bit. Perfectly fine, indeed.

I didn't stop the indulging at my single glass of wine. I pretty much defined the word when it came to eating my dinner:

Seven grains, garlic and  more than an extra cup of veggies. For real, that's it. I used the rest of my Harvest Grains Blend from Sarah, a few tablespoons of Garlic Expressions and whatever veggies I happened to have on hand.

It might have been the easiest meal I've ever made. Quite possibly the most delicious. And also full of veggies. I can't wait to eat the leftovers tomorrow.

Oh, hey—if you need some helping picking out your groceries, you might want to enter my giveaway. A copy of Unjunk Your Junk Food might be just the thing you're looking for.

Question: When you go to your favorite chocolate shop, what do you get? I get dark chocolate almonds, dark chocolate peanuts and a malted milk ball (or two). And if you don't like chocolate, tell me why. I need to understand these things, although I doubt I ever really will.


Michelle said...

I'm currently pregnant, and for the first trimester I didn't want chocolate at all.  One of my weird aversions.  But now I like it again.  My treat of choice now is Dark Chocolate Covered Cherries from Trader Joe's.  Delicious!

adailydoseoffit said...

Try the chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. Oh, good. And so good stirred into some oatmeal for a slightly sinful breakfast treat. Or you could bake them into granola bars. (Jealous of your access to Trader Joe's, btw.)

Michelle said...

Yes, we're spoiled with Trader Joes in the area.  I'll definitely try the chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, thanks for the suggestion.  Let me know if you want to do a Foodie Pen Pal and I'll hook you up with TJ's goodies!  

adailydoseoffit said...

Oh, how fun that would be!

Julie Plantenga Klimek said...

I was so inspired by the picture of your lunch, that on the way home from work (13 hours) I stopped and picked up all the fixings for the same thing!  DELICIOUS!  

adailydoseoffit said...

Hooray!!! It's so good. Let me know what you think of it!

adailydoseoffit said...

Oh, wait...delicious, right? Ha!

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