Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bumpers, bottles and...helpful blog-readers?

Alright, so this post will have absolutely nothing to do with fitness. I apologize in advance. I am pulling a selfish move today and using Daily Dose as a megaphone for my call for help. Well, more like my cry for information. Because currently, I'm in research mode. As you know by now, my husband and I are expecting our first little one. Which means we have not a single baby item in our house, nor do we know for sure what baby items we truly need in our house. Besides the obvious, I mean. But when it comes to the obvious, like strollers and car seats and bottles (oh my!)—

What do I need to know?

What has worked for you?
What hasn't?

What did you register for that you didn't use?
What did you wish you had registered for?

Did you register for diapers? All sizes?
How many sets of this or that clothing item?

Seriously, any tips (from good brands to awesome models in particular) are welcome. Feel free to leave them in the comments section below. As always, you can email me directly at dailydose (dot) notes (at) gmail (dot) com. I would love, love to hear from you mommas and daddies out there that might be reading this. (Seriously, how cute is Precious Moments stuff? I like it now, more than ever.)

And I promise, I'll get back to fitness tomorrow.

REMINDER! Don't forget to enter my giveaway! You just might win a prize pack from Fiber One featuring the new 80 Calorie cereal! (Contest ends at midnight EST on Friday, July 29, 2011).


Laura said...

Hey! Obviously I'm not a mom, but two of my best friends are new moms and both have raved about the Fisher Price Rock and Play, so I thought I'd throw that out there!

They both said it was a lifesaver for them during their little guys' first few months. :)

Also, they both really like using the Baby Bjorn when they're shopping/running errands instead of lugging the car seat in and out!

TARA said...

I've heard about these Bjorn things. One friend didn't like hers. Does anyone else out there have an opinion? They seem popular.

Kim said...

About the Bjorn, it seems like you either love 'em or hate 'em. Personally I hated it because it killed my shoulders, neck and upper back, but still found it necessary to wear at times. I used it more when my second child was born so that my hands could be free to deal with the toddler (like in an airport, the grocery store, etc). If I could do it again, I'd try to find a used one on Craigslist. It's possible that other carriers are more confortable but I'm not sure which ones. I did borrow a friend's sling but that only worked when my baby was really small and I worried about her suffocating in it, although it was comfortable. Hope this helps!

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